Understanding Feng Shui allows one to create harmony within the self and with the external environment.
Through Feng Shui, we examine how the placement of objects within your living space affect your personal energy flow as well as the energetics of the entire space. Your personal energy flow affects how you think and act, which in turn affects how well you perform and succeed in your personal and professional life. Therefore the placement of objects directly impacts your experience of life.
In Chinese, the words Feng Shui mean, “wind and water.” The essence of these life-giving elements is chi, or life force. All living organisms are largely composed of these two elements. Thus, Feng Shui is the art of designing sacred space in harmony with the flow of chi that enhances one’s personal life force.
We’d like to empower you to make the best of your spaces to enhance your capacity to manifest what you want and ensure your optimal experience of life. With our Feng Shui services, we guide you through the steps to create a harmonious interplay within your garden, office, and home.
Step 1: Map the Property or Space, including Directions, and Personal Data Collection
Step 2: Map of the Feng Shui Bagua
Step 3: Identify the 9 Zones of your Space and How they Relate to Areas of Your Life
Step 4: Suggested Design Blueprint for Enhanced Experience of Life
Step 5: Implementation of Blueprint (Additional Services Available)
Each Option Below includes Step 1 – 4 above. Step 5 Implementation services also available depending on location and timing. Prices listed below are estimates. To get a more exact estimate please CONTACT US with details of your project.
This option is perfect if you want to start with the room you spend the most time in, or that is the biggest challenge for you. Create a room that resonates with you at the highest level and supports you to experience life as a retreat. Bring peace, balance and joy into your most important space.
Estimated Investment: $500 for small room to $1,500 for larger or multi-use room.
This option is for you if you really want to make your home or other building into a sanctuary. Maybe you would like your home to inspire peace and loving support. Or perhaps you want your office building to facilitate a peaceful, productive working environment. We will help you discover ways to place objects and furniture to enhance the achievement of your ultimate goals.
Estimated Investment: $2,000 for smaller home to $5,000 for larger home or with implementation.
If you want your garden space to be productive and visually appealing,and ensure that the energy flows in harmony with the directions and the elements, this option is for you. Learn how to have a more empowered relationship with nature starting with your own garden. Factors are considered such as soil building, water flow, movement of the light, temperature, weather conditions, wind effects, and other changing dynamics.
Includes ideas about how to include more nutritious plants to enhance your personal chi balance.
Estimated Investment: $500 for small box garden to $7,000 for larger complex gardens or commercial gardens with implementation services.
Feng Shui affects you every moment of the day — whether you’re aware of it or not. To ensure the optimal flow of energy in your home, building and property, each area of your buildings and property need to be mapped according to the directions and the elemental energies converging there.
We start outside and move inside, making sure all spaces of the property and buildings reflect beauty and balance and the ease of welcome.
Estimated Investment: $3,000 for smaller home and property up to $10,000 for a larger property including implementation