This is a 2hr play session where we will integrate a warm-up of Tai Yoga with a series of playful movement exercises including:

• Ecstatic Dance

• Slacklining

• Arial, Acro & Tai Yoga

• Juggling

• Circus Fitness

• Flow Arts

Tai Yoga

Tai Yoga is a blend of tai qi/qigong like movements that allows breathing, meditation and fluid movement that merges conscious awareness, with that of the moving body bridging the physical with the spiritual practice initiating the session with a therapeutic sense of being in a steady flow of oneness, opening the meridians associated with the internal organs.

After slow Tai Yoga fluid movements we go into:

Ecstatic Dance

Ecstatic Dance empowers people of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds to freely express themselves uniquely; the liberating atmosphere creates an ambience of expression and fearlessness which gives practitioners permission and courage to dance without inhibition.

After this initial warm up we break into groups creating circuits of possibility to move from one station to the next.

Circus Play Boot Camp Stations

Arial Hammocks

In this station you learn basic alignment, foundation, and specific muscle action so that the body can learn how to balance on aerial hammocks. We integrate floor poses from traditional yoga, pilates, and dance while stretching and swaying using a yoga hammock to counteract gravity and create a fun experience. As a result, this suspension style of exercise combination relieves compression from the neck and spine. Similarly allowing you to stretch and strengthen without over stressing your joints or vertebrae. This segment is focused on upper body strength, abs, obliques, and lower back muscles. Using the hammock to support Pilates-inspired ab work allows for better form as well as functional movement to stretch and strengthen the core more efficiently. Ultimately, aerial is a form of therapeutic yoga style exercise, ideal for alleviating back tension and daily stressors.


Step on a slackline and you’ll soon discover why slacklining has earned a reputation as a killer core workout, you’ll use every stabilizing muscle you’ve got to balance on the wobbly 2-inch line, activating your entire core. This is why we love integrating slacklining into our circus play bootcamp.

In this class we do 9 different movements and flows to activate all core muscle groups on the slack line.

Slacklining is excellent at helping improve balance and proprioception (your inherent understanding of where your body is in space and how it relates to other bodies and forces).

There are many good reasons to work on and develop your core muscles, and these benefits go far beyond the aesthetic bonus of getting flatter abs.

Developing and maintaining a strong and functional core will ensure that other areas of your body will work more harmoniously, allowing you to maintain good posture and conduct everyday movements of reaching and bending more easily and safely. It will also help prevent back pain1 and improve your continence.

Acro Yoga

Acrobat yoga. Unlike other forms of yoga, where poses are performed on the ground and stretches are held in ground-based positions, acro yoga relies on two different individuals working together. The acrobatic element of the yoga allows the two individuals to work together where one is often elevated and held off the ground.

There are three different positions within this kind of yoga. The first is the base. The base is the individual is on the floor. They remain in contact with the ground and, while balance is important, strength and endurance are critical here. This is why, when acro yoga is performed with a man and a woman, the man is commonly on the bottom because of a typically larger stature and increased strength (although as long as the person on the bottom has the strength and endurance, it doesn’t matter who is the base). The second position is the flyer. This is the person on top who will remain off the ground. Of the two, this is the one who has the greatest flexibility. They also need a strong core (as much of their balance is derived from the core) and endurance to hold the poses. There is also a considerable amount of trust shared between the base and the flyer.

A spotter is someone who watches the base and the flyer to make sure all the contact points are accurate. They can also see where someone might slip or tilts one direction or the other. They can help point out issues and make necessary corrections. Usually, the spotter is the teacher or instructor for the acro yoga, although in group sessions this can be anyone who understands it.

Many elements go into this kind of yoga. Acrobatics is the main part of it and is also where this yoga derives its name. At first, individuals will practice static poses. Static poses keep both the base and the flyer in contact with one another with no necessary movement. They might climb onto the feet of the other and hold the pose. The next element is acrobatic flying. With the proper propellant of the base, the flyer will be able to shift and move. Both need to move in unison to make this movement (and to do so safely). Much like traditional yoga, partners build confidence and timing with simpler poses and then build from there.

For anyone looking to build trust and confidence within another person, acro yoga is an excellent option. This is great for couples as they will connect with one another in ways that usually isn’t possible.

Juggling Conditioning

Juggling is a truly portable workout.

It makes you smarter.

It sharpens focus & concentration.

Juggling is the ultimate in stress relief.

It’s an exercise that doesn’t ‘feel’ like exercise.

You can juggle where you are, no travel required!

Juggling maintains and increases range of motion in the arms and shoulders.

It is one of the best ways to improve coordination.

Juggling is beneficial for all age groups and body types.

Helps ward off cravings.

Juggling makes exercising with family and friends easy.

Juggling has been proven to increase the amount of gray matter in the brain

(Nature magazine, volume 427, Jan. 2004).

One study even found that it did this in just 7 days! Research also suggests it may prevent Alzheimer’s disease, making it a great choice for brain fitness.

When you juggle, you’re not only burning calories, toning your body and strengthening your core, you’re exercising your mind as well. This is why there’s no need to worry about how long it takes you to learn how to juggle – you’re still burning calories and boosting your brainpower.

In fact, the longer it takes you to learn, the more you are exercising your mind

Juggling engages your problem-solving skills. You can’t just throw all the balls up in the air and hope everything comes together!

This is why juggling is excellent for helping you master the art of concentration.

The intense focus required for juggling can filter into other areas of your life that require the same type of close attention.

When you are learning to juggle, you are immediately absorbed in the activity. It’s almost impossible to think of anything but the task at hand. This makes it a great way to stay at bay from any worries, stress, hardships, or anything that might be hanging over your head.

Flow Arts

Flow Arts is a general term used to describe the intersection of a variety of movement-based disciplines including dance, juggling, fire-spinning, and object manipulation.

Flow Arts is a general term used to describe the intersection of a variety of movement-based disciplines including dance, juggling, fire-spinning, and object manipulation. The broad category Flow Arts includes a variety of pursuits that harmonize skill-based techniques with creative expression to achieve a state of present-moment awareness known as Flow.

Common forms of Flow Arts include Poi & Staff spinning, hula-hoop (or “hooping”), juggling, sphere manipulation (or “contact juggling”), and fan dance. New props and expressions are emerging all the time as flow artists cross pollinate with martial arts, yoga, circus, belly dance, and beyond.

Meditation and Mindfulness are Invited Throughout the movement flows.

Circus Play workouts are created with Fun and playful movements

With invitation of guest instructors we may have surprises in our circus play boot camp circuits

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Let’s Connect to Discover Your Path to Living Life as a Retreat.

I enjoy connecting with overworked professionals who want to ditch the stress and start living life as a retreat. To help you discover the right path for you, I am offering a complimentary discovery session. During this private phone call, we’ll take a look at what’s holding you back from a joyful life, and create a plan to start your Life as a Retreat journey.

All Content ©2024 by Angie Rainbow G.