Hey there, my name is Angie Rainbow G and I am happy to share with you a heart to heart story.

My path towards living life as a retreat became clear at an early age, after a soul-searching episode resulted in my quitting my 9-5 job. I realized that my job did not fulfill my soul’s purpose, and discovering this I had a complete melt- down and stress break-out.

I did eventually shift my life out of a state of depression and dissatisfaction, which was not sustainable. At the time I depended on ice cream, chocolate or coffee binges at lunch to get me through the day. I felt stressed out, my hormones were a mess, my skin was breaking out, my weight was going out of control, I was an emotional wreck and I felt disconnected from myself and my true nature.

I was living a degenerative lifestyle and I came to the lowest point in my life.

One day as I walked along the ocean shore reflecting on what I was to do about my situation, an inner knowing came to me, which felt like a gut-wrenching twist screaming out to me.


I became determined to take charge of my life, my body, mind, soul, and my relationship with nature.

I knew this is what it would take to get my confidence, liveliness, and peace of mind back into my own hands.

I began moving my body as the first priority in my life because I had been so sedentary up to this point, sitting behind desks or walking in restaurant jobs. This was OVER for me when I made the decision to just DO IT and believe in myself to find my true path once more.

How Did I Start Living Life as a Retreat?

I went all in!!!!! I signed up for a local training to become a Fitness Coach at a local community college, followed by taking up Yoga Teacher Training and Thai Bodywork Therapy intensives to teach me how to reduce my stress levels, increase my physical activity, and improve my spiritual vitality.

I also knew I needed to heal my relationship with food so I followed through by becoming an Ayurvedic Practitioner, learning how to properly combine foods, spices, and herbs for treating specific constitutions and conditions, starting with my own imbalances.

Through these trainings, I was able to adopt new lifestyle choices which are regenerative to my inner landscape, made up of my body, mind, and soul.

I am forever grateful that I learned to bring my vitality, confidence, self-love, natural health and radical self-care back into balance.

In my path towards healing, I found Permaculture whole systems design, which includes the application of edible and medicinal landscaped environments, which I found to be absolutely complementary to these wellness lifestyle practices that I was tapping into. 

Permaculture took me to an even deeper level of exploration and caused a major paradigm shift in my life as it allowed me to see the potential for a new way that we can design our living quarters on this earth surrounded by an abundance of edible, olfactory, tactile, beautiful plant life.

Yes my friend paradise is possible, the Garden Of Eden that leads to the fountain of youth is real and we can all create it in this lifetime if we put our intention into it.

This expanded perception of how we can live allowed me to come into an even greater alignment with my new priorities for diving deeper into the core of a wellness that comes from within but also from without.

I understood deeply that if we are to be healthy then our environment must also be healthy around us because that is what houses and nourishes our life.

This is when I really started my adventure into living life as a retreat.

I decided to travel and study around different educational centers, where I learned to design living establishments where I could grow my own herbs and edible superfoods which supported my new ultra healthy lifestyle.

It was after being exposed to these practices and communities living by permaculture and healing principles that I became clear that my path was help others do what I had done for myself.

Transforming Degenerative Lives to Regenerative Lifestyles …. Living on Retreat!

I learned that all I needed to do, in order to change my life COMPLETELY was to eat from nature, to exercise in nature, to heal from nature, to observe nature, and to mimic the designs of nature.

I am now committed to showing you how to heal your body through natural plant-based foods, edible, medicinal plants & landscapes, intelligent movement therapies, tailored nutrition plans, and lifestyle design strategies that are appropriate for your unique build and constitution.

I do this through a blend of permaculture design for your outer landscape, and eastern vedic healing sciences for renewal such as Ayurveda, Yoga, and Thai Body Work, practices that I tailor for your inner landscape, and modify according to your needs whether your pregnant an athlete, a senior or injured.

I love this combination of work because it is kind the body, the mind and the planet and it inspires others in our culture to pick up on regenerative habits.

My goal now is to share the gift of life that I have received and to give you the knowledge, the design and the, “know-how” to transform your life from degenerative into one of absolute vitality and regeneration, and to approach life as though you are always on retreat.

I combine all of my expertise in the healing and earth sciences and put it at your service into what I call Regenerative Lifestyle Design which will ¨green¨ your lifestyle, from the inside out and will transform you into an ecological superhuman that is supportive to all life forms, starting with yourself first.

Are you ready to live your life as a retreat?

If so …

Step 1 to Living Life as a Retreat – Get my free toolkit

The first step to living life as a retreat is to get moving! Sitting at your desk all day hunched over a keyboard is holding you back from your joy, so how about moving right there, at your desk!

I know it can be challenging to just leap right into retreat mode, so I have created a Life as a Retreat Toolkit, Freedom Living: 9 Fun Ways to Remove Pain from Overworking including 9 short videos that support you to

● Reduce Pain

● Increase Energy

● Lighten Mood

● Clear the Mind


Step 2: Apply for Your Free Regenerative Lifestyle Design Session

Complete your initial application for receiving your first free clarity evaluation Regenerative Lifestyle Design Session.


Step 3: Mapping Your Inner & Outer Ecology Route Plan

Discover your regenerative lifestyle route plan designed to meet your needs, with targeted returns & outcomes

Once you have applied for your free session you will receive an Inner & Outer Ecology Priority Questionnaire in preparation for your initial FREE Regenerative Lifestyle Design Session.

We will also determine if our services are an appropriate match for you.

If your needs match our offers then we will elaborate a route plan of the services most appropriate for you.

Remember to apply for your free regenerative lifestyle design session HERE

Let’s Connect to Discover Your Path to Living Life as a Retreat.

I enjoy connecting with overworked professionals who want to ditch the stress and start living life as a retreat. To help you discover the right path for you, I am offering a complimentary discovery session. During this private phone call, we’ll take a look at what’s holding you back from a joyful life, and create a plan to start your Life as a Retreat journey.

All Content ©2024 by Angie Rainbow G.