Elemental Ceremony & Chakra Trance Dance

Earth. Water. Fire. Air. Wood. Metal.

Galactic Center & Planetary Core

These are the elements that make up this sacred planet & our experience with in.

They color our existence with the very particles of our body and they provide us with what it needs externally and internally.

An elemental ceremony begins with creating sacred space for the energy of the group to manifest.

This sacred “vastu” is brought into place with the assistance of volunteers whom offer to pick fresh, flowers, plants, crystals, water, candles, incense, power talismans magical and shamanic tools and lay them out in a beautiful geometrical shape that assists to ground and harmonize the space.

Once all participants have gathered I invite the group to participate in breathing, meditation and visualization.

As we travel through a journey of the elements we open the directions and we invite the quality of each element into our own psyche, embodiment and experience.

After we transition from an opening of the circle we move into singing songs that awaken that ancient connection between our living environment and ourselves.

We then move into a space of movement where we move into our body’s natural and intuitive rhythms as we travel through the chakras one at a time activating diverse sounds, movements and intonations for each one.

Our dance climaxes as we open our feeling center to be completely immersed in the sensations of acceptance and gratitude for all that is, for our lives, for our ability to feel and to experience the full spectrum of our inner dance medicine through the center of our heart.

We then wane down the energy into a slower cradle that allows a cool down of ecstatic energy being guided into a gentle therapeutic sway.

We finalize with increased meditative slow stretching yogic flow until the ending of our dance allowing us time to integrate the whole of the experience.

I often integrate into ceremonial celebrations the addition of elixirs made from Roots, Seeds, Flowers, Plants, Fungi, Fruits.

Each ceremony will be different and special in its own contemplative and ecstatic way.

I use the elemental ceremony and chakra trance dance as a primary tool in rituals, performances, workshops, rites of passage ceremonies for small groups, and for exploring women’s sacred mysteries in special classes.

Specifications will be listed per event basis.

Let’s Connect to Discover Your Path to Living Life as a Retreat.

I enjoy connecting with overworked professionals who want to ditch the stress and start living life as a retreat. To help you discover the right path for you, I am offering a complimentary discovery session. During this private phone call, we’ll take a look at what’s holding you back from a joyful life, and create a plan to start your Life as a Retreat journey.

All Content ©2024 by Angie Rainbow G.